
Evangeline Lilly Wallpapers & Pics

Evangeline Lilly

Nicole Evangeline Lilly (born August 3, 1979) is a Golden Globe-nominated Canadian actress best known for her role as Kate Austen in the ABC series, Lost.

Evangeline LillyEvangeline Lilly

Evangeline Lilly was born in Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, Canada, to a devout Protestant family. His father is professor of economics, and his mother is a beauty consultant. Lilly also has two sisters. Her younger sister, Andrea, Evangeline has been described as "the actor in the family."

Evangeline Lilly

Before leaving the city of Fort Saskatchewan in Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada, Evangeline briefly attended three elementary schools, Fort Elementary, Rudolph Hennig and James Mowat Elementary. Lilly recalled, "When I was a kid, the Fort was tiny.

Evangeline Lilly Evangeline Lilly

I could ride my bicycle for five years from one end of town to another .... For me, Fort Saskatchewan has lots of really great memories. I believe that is a haven unhappy. "Abbotsford, Lilly finished her high school in WJ Mouat High School and went on to study International Relations at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver.

Evangeline Lilly

Lilly also served briefly as a foreign missionary and lived in a thatched hut in the Philippines. He was offered a permanent missionary work there for two years, almost accepted an offer but eventually dropped due to the will of their parents.

Evangeline Lilly

Lilly was a flight of Royal Airlines. She speaks French quite well. He also worked in Green Bay Camp, near Kelowna Bible and the Earls restaurant in Abbotsford.

Beautiful Emma Roberts Wallpapers

Beautiful Emma Roberts

Emma Rose Roberts (born February 10, 1991) is an actress, songwriter and singer, and designer. She is the daughter of actor Eric Roberts and niece of actress Julia Roberts and Lisa Roberts Gillan.

Beautiful Emma Roberts

Emma Roberts shot to fame for her starring role as Addie Singer on the Nickelodeon television series Unfabulous, a role for which Roberts won several awards and critical acclaim. Following the success of the series in September 2005, he released his debut album, which also served as the soundtrack for the series Unfabulous and more.

Beautiful Emma Roberts

Roberts was followed by a solo career recording two songs for the soundtrack of Ice Princess and Aquamarine (in which Roberts played one of the drivers). Roberts began to focus on her acting career, the title character in 2007 movie Nancy Drew, and his voice-over debut on the flight before Christmas .

Beautiful Emma Roberts

In 2008 and 2009, Roberts began staging a series of coming of age and the roles of young adults is the first Wild Child This was followed by Memoirs of an Amnesiac Lymelife adolescent. Roberts appeared in the 2009 family film Hotel for Dogs and winning season. In 2010, she appeared in the blockbuster Valentine's Day, which also starred her aunt Julia Roberts.

Beautiful Emma Roberts

During her childhood, Roberts spent much time on the sets of films in which her aunt Julia Roberts. These experiences sparked a desire in Roberts, the age of five years, to follow his father and aunts into the film industry.

Beautiful Emma Roberts

Although her mother initially wanted her to have a normal childhood, Roberts made her acting debut at age nine in 2001, Ted Demme drama Blow. It was the first film ever to audition. In the film portrayed Kristina Jung, the daughter of Johnny Depp's character, George Jung drugs.

Beautiful Emma Roberts

As the movie is rated R, her mother would not allow Roberts to view before reaching eighteen. In 2001, Roberts also had a role in 10-minute Leif Tilden "bigLove" (which also starred her future step-father, Kelly Nickels), and was an uncredited extra in some scenes with his aunt Julia Roberts in America's Sweethearts .

Primera imagen oficial de Anthony Hopkins en “Thor”

Primero fue Chris Hemsworth, cuya imagen como el Dios del Trueno hizo correr enfrentadas opiniones entre los fans. Ahora es nada más y nada menos que Sir Anthony Hopkins, o lo que es lo mismo, Odin. Así es como lucirá el veterano actor en la armadura del Dios Nórdico, padre del mismísimo “Thor”.

Como vemos el estilo es muy similar a la armadura de Thor que ya pudimos ver. Personalmente me encanta el detalle del parche dorado. Pero la imagen es más jugosa de lo que parece a primera vista. No solo vemos la apariencia de Odín, sino que en segundo plano podemos ver de nuevo a Thor empuñando al fin su martillo (que por cierto tiene el tamaño de su cabeza…) y al malo malísimo del film: Tom Hiddleston como Loki.

Y junto a la imagen ha salido a la luz una información que pese a su novedad no nos pilla por sorpresa: Tanto “Thor” como “El Capitán América” se estrenarán en 3D. Un consejo a los fans: podéis ahorraros el suplemento para verlas en relieve. Ambas películas se han rodado con cámaras normales por lo que la conversión a 3D se hará en postproducción, y tal y como he dicho varias veces, eso ni es 3D ni es nada… ¿Se atreverán a rodar “The Avengers” en 3D tal y como anunciaron en su día?

Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte

Por fin se publicó el nuevo tráiler de Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte. Fue muy esperado, pero ya está aquí. El vídeo no defrauda y muestra a las claras las cartas con las que se presentará la adaptación al cine de la última novela de la saga creada por JK Rowling.

Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte se estrenará en cines el próximo 19 de noviembre. Sin duda uno de los estrenos más esperados del año. El cual además promete decir mucho en lo que a la recaudación taquillera se refiere. Más aún por su anunciado estreno en formato 3D. Además de contar con versión en IMAX digital. En definitiva, prácticamente todos los formatos posibles para que los seguidores de las aventuras del joven mago (encarnado por Daniel Radcliffe) disfruten de lo lindo.

El rodaje de Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte finalizó hace unas semanas. Concretamente de las dos películas en las cuales se divide la adaptación de la última novela. Cerrando así más de una década de rodajes de las novelas de la franquicia.

La última película de Harry Potter en estrenarse fue Harry Potter y el misterio del príncipe. En el verano de 2009.

El príncipe de las tinieblas Gary Oldman

En un poeta, la obra de arte, el poema en sí, puede ser una abstracción de sus sentimientos y deseos más profundos, hasta el punto de que llega a ser algo independiente de sí mismo, como si tuviera vida propia y gozara de autonomía. Esto ocurre, más o menos, en todas las artes. Excepto en una. En el caso de la interpretación, la obra de arte del actor es el actor en sí mismo. Es decir, él es la obra de arte, su cuerpo, su personalidad. Muchas veces se convierten en marionetas de los directores, pero de alguna forma conservan su dignidad en cuanto a obra de arte, como estatuas que cobran vida.

En realidad, creo que los directores buscan a obras de arte vivientes que sirvan de escaparate, ejemplo máximo, de su ideal de hombre o mujer, un siervo que experimente lo que el demiurgo quiere explorar. Pocos o casi ninguno vivo poseen el talento, la capacidad de mutación, el ingenio proteico, del arcángel Gary Oldman, un intérprete capaz de derramar como pocos su enorme humanidad en una pantalla, pero también de asombrarnos y fascinarnos con sus oscuros príncipes demoníacos, siempre elegantes y torturados. Pero es más, mucho más, este grandioso intérprete.

Nacido hace 52 años en New Cross, Londres, es hijo de una ama de casa y un soldador, y por tanto de procedencia humilde. Su padre, según Gary, era violento y alcohólico. A pesar de eso, es un músico y cantante precoz, y un mal estudiante. Abandona música y estudios y se dedica en cuerpo y alma a la actuación. Asiste a clases de teatro y finalmente participa en numerosas obras, pero también le tienta el cine, aunque no es hasta 1986 que consigue un papel relevante, en la estimable ‘Sid & Nancy’, en la que interpreta a un irreverente y sorprendente Sid Vicious. Es la primera vez que le vemos interpretar a un arcángel ambiguo y andrógino, abyecto y entrañable. Muy pocos son capaces de lograrlo. Su papel fue alabado por algunos críticos y su nombre empezó a sonar como actor a tener en cuenta.

Una carrera irregular pero fascinante

Pero Oldman, de manera muy inteligente, supo moverse con sensatez por el cine independiente, labrándose un nombre sin prisas por llegar al estrellato, participando en películas tan interesantes como ‘Rosencratz y Guildestern han muerto’, ‘El clan de los irlandeses’ o ‘Henry y June’. En la segunda de ellas volvía a ser el actor más interesante de la película, a pesar de ser casi un desconocido, eclipsando a Sean Penn o Ed Harris (se dice pronto) con su papel de mafioso irlandés alcohólico y perturbado. Su energía y su valentía en pantalla son de las que dejan huella. Pero muy pronto el mundo entero iba a admirar su talento.

Su papel en ‘J.F.K.’, dando vida nada menos que a Lee Harvey Oswald (el supuesto, e improbable, asesino del presidente Kennedy) le valió la consideración internacional como intérprete incomparable. De alguna forma, su Oswald reincide en su Sid Vicious o su Jackie Flannery, como anti-héroes con un punto abyecto, pero dignos de toda conmiseración por la entrañable y doliente humanidad que en el fondo poseen. Oldman hizo el milagro: no era un actor interpretando a Oswald en aquella formidable película, si no que se había convertido en Oswald.

Pero llevó aún más lejos su imagen de arcángel, y quizá logró su papel más elegante, mortificado, genial, en la no menos genial ‘Bram Stoker’s Dracula’, donde, con empeño suicida, se empeñó con la ayuda de Coppola en contradecir cien años de vampiros con esmoquin para sorprender y cautivar con un hamlet oscuro, que es la obra de toda una vida de Oldman, pues su labor como intérprete parece destinada a ello. De tal forma que era inevitable que interpretase a Ludwig van Beethoven en ‘Inmortal Beloved’ o al salvaje Drexl Spivey de ‘True Romance’, y hasta se le pueden perdonar sus participaciones en basura como ‘Leon, el profesional’ o ‘El quinto elemento’.

Para bien o para mal, Oldman lleva 25 años construyendo variaciones de ese arcángel que a él parece obsesionarle y a nosotros nos enamora. Porque su genial construcción de un personaje tan complejo como Sirius Black en la serie de películas de Harry Potter es de las que merecen el visionado de una película. Si ‘El prisionero de Azkaban’ fue excepcional, ‘El cáliz de fuego’ le tiene en muy breves pero importantes momentos, y en ‘La orden del fénix’ es sencillamente lo mejor. Su Sirius Black es una soberbia variación de Vlad Tepes: distinguido y romántico, oscuro y afable.

Sus ojos azules (con reflejos verdes) parecen oscuros muchas veces, como si el negro se apropiase de ellos. Su nariz prominente, sus labios casi inexistentes. Oldman (hombreviejo) es un hombre corriente convertido en actor superdotado, que no tiene miedo de esconder su rostro completamente en ‘Hannibal’, y que sabe aportar un inesmitable grano de arena al díptico ‘Batman Begins’/‘El caballero oscuro’: el grano de la humanidad arrolladora, de la mirada limpia y la honestidad por bandera. Tal como ha hecho en toda su carrera. Ahora se ha convertido en algo parecido a un actor secundario de lujo. No deben existir muchos papeles principales para un actor tan singular, dotado y escurridizo.

La surfista Erica Hosseini podría unirse a X-MEN

El reparto de X-MEN: First Class sigue generando numerosas especulaciones. Ahora es el nombre de la conocida surfista Erica Hosseini, la cual suena como candidata para interpretar el papel de Willow. Ella misma confirmó su reciente audición para el papel.

Willow figura en el elenco de personajes de Marvel 2099, formando parte del grupo X-NATION. Sus poderes mutantes son relativamente parecidos a los de Mística, es decir, poder adoptar cualquier forma.

Aunque con la peculiaridad de que siempre mantiene una pequeña y característica marca en el rostro. Sin duda que un personaje extraño para aparecer en una precuela de los X-MEN. Pero hoy en día, y con los condicionantes de la taquilla, todo puede ser.

Aunque por ahora Erica Hosseini es sólo una candidata, sería una llamativa llegada para un reparto del cual por ahora hay pocas cosas claras. Eso sí, James McAvoy como Profesor Xavier, fundador de la escuela de talentos, cuna de los X-MEN. Además de Michael Fassbender dando vida a Magneto.

El estreno de X-MEN: First Class está previsto para el próximo verano de 2011. Una época en la cual tendrá que competir con filmes como Capitán América, Thor o Linterna Verde.

El nuevo Spider-Man

Peter Parker tiene nuevo rostro. Sony Pictures ya ha anunciado oficialmente al sustituto de Tobey Maguire al frente de las aventuras cinematográficas de Spider-Man.

Se trata del estadounidense Andrew Garfield, de 27 años, a quien hemos podido ver en ‘Leones por corderos’ y ‘El imaginario del doctor Parnassus’; igualmente, el actor ha protagonizado dos importantes producciones que se estrenan este año, ‘The Social Network’ (lo nuevo de David Fincher) y ‘Never Let Me Go’ (basada en la novela de Kazuo Ishiguro), algo que sin duda ha tenido que influir a la hora de superar a los otros candidatos que aspiraban a lograr el papel.

Si recordáis, a finales de mayo se filtró una lista con los nombres de los cinco actores finalistas que barajaban Sony y el director Marc Webb; de los últimos candidatos, Garfield era el de mayor edad.

No es lo más importante, pero llama la atención que se hayan decantado por un chico que ya ha vivido 27 inviernos para dar vida a un Peter Parker que, en este reinicio de la franquicia, estará aún en el instituto.

Ya decíamos que Andrew Garfield aparenta ser más joven, pero bueno, no lo es, ya pasó por esa etapa, y si los otros aspirantes más jóvenes no convencían, creo que lo más acertado habría sido ampliar el casting, aunque llevase más tiempo. Todos sabemos que un chico de 16 o de 18 no mira, no se mueve y no habla como uno que se acerca a los 30. Pero sí, ya sé, qué le importa esto a los de Sony. Y bueno, que nadie me malinterprete, si Garfield ha trabajado para Robert Redord, Terry Gilliam y Fincher, seguro que tiene talento. Ya veremos qué tal encaja como Spider-Man. La nueva película estará en los cines (2D y 3D) el 3 de julio de 2012.

PD: Maguire también tenía 27 cuando interpretó por primera vez a Parker a las órdenes de Sam Raimi.

The Cat Returns

Hi, today I would like to recommend The Cat Returns, this anime is a Japanese animation that has magic, invention and artistry to captivate viewers of any age. This animated movie is filled with lovely hand drawn images, fantastical storyline and fabulous talking cats, it conjures up a world that is at once strange and haphazard, yet abides by its own peculiar internal logic. If you’re a big fan of Studio Ghibli this movie is one of their creation and recommended for you to watch.

The viewers will be taken into a whole new world when a young girl named Haru saves a cat from being run over by a truck. To her amazement, it suddenly stands up own its two hind legs and thanks her. This anime is one of masterpiece created by Studio Ghibli. Studio Ghibli also created Grave of Fireflies, Tales From Earthsea, Tonari no Totoro (My Neighbour Totoro) and Spirited Away the Academy Award winning anime.

Beautiful Lauren Budd

Beautiful Lauren Budd

She went by the name of Violet Budd when she joined the modeling industry. She has succeeded in Premiere Model Management in London and Elite Modeling Agency in New York. Not difficult to becoming one of the most beloved models - has a broad face and an awesome body.

Beautiful Lauren Budd

The greatest success in his career that really happened when she was linked to Little Britain star David Walliams. David has caused media interest Lauren Budd, he really did most recognized face in the industry at this time. Do all your pictures up here, everybody would agree that she is indeed, a model that is worth seeing.

Beautiful Lauren Budd

Lauren Budd just a model to become the most loved - she has a big face and impressive body was found. The biggest success in her career when she is actually Little Britain star David Walliams was linked a. David Lauren Budd, who actually recognized the face in the industry just made one more is due to media interest.

Beautiful Lauren Budd

Beautiful Lauren Budd

Beautiful Lauren Budd Beautiful Lauren Budd

Beautiful Lauren Budd

Beautiful Lauren Budd

Beautiful Lauren Budd

Beautiful Lauren Budd

Beautiful Rosamund Pike Wallpapers

Beautiful Rosamund Pike

Rosamund Pike grew up in London, the only daughter of two professional opera singers. His formative years were spent in central Europe, including one months releasing few in Italy while his father worked with modernist composer Hans Werne Henze.

Beautiful Rosamund Pike

At age 16, Rosamund was accepted into the renowned National Youth Theatre, where he spent the next three summers, culminating in his playing the lead role in Romeo and Juliet, when she was 18. The performance is brought to the attention of Agent Smith from Dallas, who spent the next few years about his career guide.

Beautiful Rosamund Pike Beautiful Rosamund Pike

The work passed over the summer prior to his taking a place at Oxford, where he was studying English Literature at Wadham College. In Oxford, Rosamund continued to act and toured with the university production of The Taming of the Shrew. During the summer break, the tour took in a magical six-week trip to Japan the show in theaters in Osaka, Kyoto and Tokyo Globe. Before leaving, he spent two days shooting his film role in the BBC television a good English Marriage starring Tom Courtenay and Albert Finney Finney playing niece, Celia.

Beautiful Rosamund Pike

Rosamund also spent the night in local repertory theater, the famous Oxford Playhouse. She played the role of the actress Elizabeth Barry restoration in game The Libertine Stephen Jeffries and Ann in Arthur Miller's All My Sons. Before leaving Oxford, Rosamund met with a leading casting director for a project that was willing to be part of. The project was delayed, and nothing came of it, but a year later received a call from scratch and was cast as Lady Harriet in the BBC's lavish production of Wives and Daughters.

Beautiful Rosamund Pike

It was her first work for the BBC, and she was thrilled to be working with such distinguished actors as Michael Gambon, Francesca Annis and Bill Patterson. The part of Lady Harriet was a big challenge - outstanding horse, razor sharp, and a real fighter - picture, but strong Rosamund was acclaimed by critics. Vanity Fair said that stood out like a flag snapping in the wind. He returned to Oxford to finish his studies and make a last stand in the Oxford Playhouse.

Beautiful Rosamund Pike

She played the funny, quirky Daisy in Ionesco's Rhinoceros, directed by local director Delphine Schrank. During the following summer vacation spent ten weeks filming Love in cold weather, an adaptation of Nancy Mitford books. The extraordinary cast includes Alan Bates, Sheila Gish, Celia Imrie, John Standing, and Anthony Andrews. Upon returning to Oxford for the final three terms, she took the role of Kyra in Skylight David Mare, directed by young film director and fellow Oxford student James Rogan, who went on to direct Dead Lock.

Hollywood Celebrity Zooey Deschanel

Zooey Deschanel

Zooey Claire Deschanel was born on January 17, 1980 is an actress, musician and songwriter. In 1999, Deschanel made her film debut in Mumford, followed by his role as troubled young protagonist breaking of William Miller's older sister Anita in 2000, Cameron Crowe's autobiographical film Almost Famous semi. Deschanel soon became known for his indifferent supporting roles in films such as Elf (2003), The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (2005) and Failure to Launch (2006). She then began to play a leading role in films, including "Yes Man" (2008) and (500) Days of Summer (2009).

Zooey Deschanel

For several years beginning in 2001, Deschanel made in the jazz cabaret act if all the stars were pretty babies with actress Samantha Shelton. She plays keyboards, percussion, banjo and ukulele, and has sung in several of his films. Deschanel's debut album Volume One (recorded with M. Ward under the name She & Him) was released on March 18, 2008. Monitoring Volume Two album was released in the U.S. on March 23, 2010.

Zooey Deschanel

Zooey Deschanel was born in Los Angeles, California, is the daughter of cinematographer and director Caleb Deschanel and actress Mary Jo Deschanel (née Weir). She is of French and Irish descent. She was named after Zooey Glass, the male protagonist of JD Salinger's 1961 novel, Franny and Zooey. Her older sister, Emily Deschanel, is also an actress, and stars in the television series Bones.

Zooey Deschanel

Under Deschanel lived in Los Angeles, but spent much of his childhood traveling because her father shot films on location, who later said he "hated all the traveling ... I am very happy now that I have been experience, but while I was so miserable to have to leave my friends in Los Angeles and go to places where there was any food I liked or things I was accustomed. "She grew up in Canada, Yugoslavia, England and South Africa.

Zooey Deschanel

She attended Crossroads, a private preparatory school in Santa Monica, California, where he befriended co-star Jake Gyllenhaal and Kate Hudson. She sang in high school, planning to pursue a career in musical theater. He attended Northwestern University for seven months before dropping out to work as an actress.

Joanna Krupa Blue Beautiful Dress In Top Model Casting Event

Joanna Krupa

Joanna Krupa

Joanna Krupa joins "Dancing with the Stars" as one of the contestants for Season 9 of ballroom competition on ABC. More recently, Joanna Krupa competed in ABC's "The Superstars", teaming with Terrell Owens Buffalo Bills NFL star of the reality competition sport.

Joanna Krupa

Joanna Krupa

Born in Poland, Joanna Krupa is the epitome of a true sensation, made to himself that he knew from the beginning in your life that was destined to work in the fashion and entertainment. Born in Warsaw and raised in Chicago (with a strong will and little tolerance for the word "No"), Joanna Krupa moved to Los Angeles after high school to pursue a career in modeling and acting.

Joanna Krupa

Joanna Krupa

Joanna Krupa hard work and positive spirit led her to become one of the most sought after models / COVERGIRLs in the world. The young beauty is renowned for its diversity, its stunning looks exotic, a variety of unique talents and interests. "I'd Rather Go Naked PETA to wear fur" campaign with Joanna Krupa became a mass phenomenon. Joanna Krupa is one of the women searched the Internet and has recently launched two Internet channels on and Joanna Krupa has appeared on 110 magazine covers worldwide fame, often being called "the sexiest woman in the world" or "top model world's sexiest" and was cast in film and television in several notable projects.

Joanna Krupa

More recently, Joanna Krupa was cast alongside Michael Madsen in "Six Days in Paradise", to be launched in autumn 2009, and appeared on E! "Canal de La Más Sexy" (syndicated worldwide) as one of the sexiest women in the world. The leggy beauty was also selected to model this year cover of the prestigious annual Ocean Drive magazine and Maxim magazine (U.S. and Europe) Joanna Krupa voted among the "Top 100" women in the world . Joanna Krupa in 2008 was cast in "Ripple Effect", with winners and Oscar nominees Minnie Driver, Virginia Madsen and Forest Whitaker. Joanna Krupa also appeared in successful television shows like "Las Vegas" and "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation." In addition, Joanna Krupa's musical abilities were exhibited in June 2009 with the song of his debut project band, "Do It Right."

Joanna Krupa

Born in Poland, Joanna Krupa was born in Warsaw and raised in Chicago. After high school he moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in modeling and acting. Their hard work and positive spirit led her to become one of the most sought after models / COVERGIRLs in the world. "I'd Rather Go Naked PETA to wear fur" campaign Krupa became a phenomenon. He has been featured on E! 'S The most sexy as one of the sexiest women in the world. In 2009 he was selected as the cover model of Ocean Drive magazine, Maxim and was voted among top 100 women in the world. Film and television worked on "Six Days in Paradise", due in the fall, "Ripple Effect", "Las Vegas" and "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation." Recently competed in ABC's "The Superstars", teaming with the Buffalo Bills NFL star Terrell Owens.

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